Sunday, April 20, 2008

Response to Ethical Writing Research

I found the research for dehumanizing language quite interesting. It seemed as if all logical examples were intentionally omitted from online publication. I must have thought up of five excellent possibilities of where to find dehumanizing language, and every time I search for that topic I came up with no examples. Some of the possibilities were of European tyrants who slaughtered a certain people, basically some sort of ethnic cleansing. Those included Francisco Franco, who alongside Hitler slaughtered the Catalan people for trying to secceed from Spain. In more recent history, Slobodan Milosevic butchered the Bosnians because they were Muslims, and he believed that all should be Christian like the Serbs. I found my sites talking about such tyrants using dehumanizing language, but never managed to locate the original documents. I began to suspect as if this might have been an exercise to find out first hand that such documents are so offensive that their publication is looked down upon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you're on to something here... it is very common for such things to be missing.