Sunday, February 17, 2008

Cover letters

When asked whether I agree with the articles or not, I must say that I have no specific opinion. The writer seems to be well-experienced on the subject of hiring and evaluation of resumes. I must admit, however, that all of what he said was new to me. If what he says is true, then all of what he claims is useful to me. Most importantly, the fact that the cover letter is not a letter describing you or your skills, but an application of your skills towards the specific company for which you are applying, contradicts all of what I thought a cover letter is. I admit that I fall into the category of belief in sending as many resumes to as many companies in hopes of getting a percentage of those companies reply, but according to the author, that's not an productive method. I learned that careful study and research of the company, and tailoring the cover letter (which will be reviewed after the resume) to match the company's goals is the most effective way of getting responses.

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